Back to School Saints for Students and Teachers

Back to School Saints for Students and Teachers

As we head back to school, let us look to the saints, those who went before us and modeled what it is to live a good life in the eyes of God, to strengthen us and prepare us for the upcoming school year.

Blessed Carlo: A Saint for Students

Blessed Carlo Acutis, soon to be SAINT Carlo Acutis, was the first name that came to my mind when thinking of a saint to inspire students this year. 

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By Anne Metz

As we head back to school, let us look to the saints, those who went before us and modeled what it is to live a good life in the eyes of God, to strengthen us and prepare us for the upcoming school year.

Blessed Carlo: A Saint for Students

Blessed Carlo Acutis, soon to be SAINT Carlo Acutis, was the first name that came to my mind when thinking of a saint to inspire students this year. Blessed Carlo is relatable because he is a modern saint and was a student himself. He also did many things that kids today do. He played soccer, hung out with friends, and loved video games! Blessed Carlo was a normal kid doing normal kid things (search “Carlo Acutis Spiderman” for his Halloween costume) AND he loved God and had a devotion to the Eucharist.

He showed us that we can go about our regular lives, enjoying school and friends, and love God all at the same time. Our faith is not something that we put in a box, take out on Sundays, and put away the rest of the week. Our faith is something that we can live out each day, no matter what our age.

Blessed Carlo also showed us how to use our gifts, talents, and passions to serve God and give glory to Him. He was interested in technology and coding and used his skills to make websites about places where Eucharistic miracles took place and encouraged families to visit them.

In addition to using his God-given talents well, Blessed Carlo practiced the virtue of temperance. He loved delicious food; he did live in Italy after all! But he was keen to curb his appetite for treats and maintain self-control. He said, “What’s the use of winning 1,000 battles if you can’t beat your own passions?”

We know that he loved to play video games, but because he loved God more, he limited his playing time to one hour a week. He never regretted this decision. In fact, on his deathbed, he told his mother, “I am happy to die because I have lived my life without wasting a minute on those things which do not please God.” Blessed Carlo Acutis died in 2006, was beatified in 2020, and will become a saint in 2025.

A Prayer for Students

Lord God, thank you for the life and witness of Blessed Carlo Acutis.

May our children learn from him how to put You first.

Enkindle in their hearts, Lord, a love for You and for the Blessed Sacrament.

Let all your children know they are not too small to love You, not too small to use their gifts and talents to glorify You, and not too young to share the faith with others.

Blessed Carlo, pray for these students that they may enjoy life as you did and love God fully. We ask you to implore God to show them our beautiful faith as something to be lived out daily, that there should be no separation between friends and faith, their school day, and their love of God. We ask that they be strengthened in the virtue of temperance and that they use their gifts, talents, and passions to glorify God as you did.


A Saint for Teachers

When you google, “Who is the patron saint of teachers?” several names appear including St. Katherine Drexel, St. Francis de Sales, and St. Robert Bellarmine. All of these men and women would make a brilliant choice for patrons for the school year for moms, dads, and teachers. But one name stands out above the rest—St. John Baptist de La Salle.

If he’s not a familiar saint to you, you aren’t alone, but if you’re a teacher or homeschooling parent, I’d encourage you to get to know this remarkable man.

Who was St. John?

St. John Baptist de La Salle was born to a wealthy and prominent family on April 30, 1651in Reims, France. After being ordained a priest, he continued to live in his family home and managed the family estate while living out his priesthood.

Moved by the extreme inequity between rich and poor, he began to teach a small group of poor, uneducated boys. Soon after, he felt his talents and abilities would be best suited to opening schools, training teachers, and bringing education to the masses whether they could afford it or not. He gave up his family home and wealth to immerse himself in furthering education for all.

His methods spread throughout France and continued to spread globally even after his death. St. John Baptist de La Salle died in 1719 and was canonized in 1900. He was named Patron Saint of Christian Teachers in 1950.

A Prayer for Teachers

Heavenly Father and Teacher of all,

We ask that you send your blessings down upon educators as they prepare to begin their school year.

You have given them the gifts of intelligence, leadership, organization, compassion, and fortitude. They have heeded your call to teach and to use these gifts to bless our children each day.

Give them everything they need this school year. Fill them with the gifts of your Spirit.

Let them lean on You on difficult days and celebrate with them on their good days. 

Help us, as parents, support them in their endeavors.

We ask this through our Rabboni, our Teacher, Jesus Christ


When she’s not writing about faith, Anne Metz works for Growing Catholics, whose mission is to bring Scripture to all, especially tweens and teens.

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