The Story Behind Brother Francis

The Story Behind Brother Francis

By Robert Fernandez, co-founder of Herald Entertainment

The idea for a character like Brother Francis came to me many years ago, while I was in the middle of editing a children’s television program.

I have been involved with media production, including writing, directing, and producing, for most of my career, and I have always wanted to use my talents for God. As a child I had a lot of questions pertaining to my faith. I grew up Catholic,  I had been an altar boy, but there was a lot that I didn’t fully understand. As a young adult, my spiritual hunger took me to the Protestant church where I learned a lot about Christ and what following Him means, but I always felt I needed something more.

On a work trip to India I had the blessing of meeting Mother Theresa, and that is what started me on the journey that would eventually lead me back to the Church. It made me wonder what life would have been like if I had had a better grasp of my faith when I was young.  As an 8-year-old I was hungry for God, and as a young teen I knew God was to be followed and served, but I lacked the understanding and guidance to know how to do it. Brother Francis was conceived with the idea of making the deep riches of our Faith accessible to children.

As the series has developed and grown, it has reached children and adults all over the world!  On a trip to Spain a few years back, I was invited to a convent for cloistered nuns. To my astonishment, they came out to see me, guitars in hand and singing the “Brother Francis Theme Song” while holding Brother Francis books. They explained how they use the Brother Francis material for the novices.

The Brother Francis series and brand has grown over the years, with many people now working on a wide array of products. This has all been God’s doing. Anything good that has come out of it is due to His grace. Some people call it theology for kids, and it’s true, it is. I think its success has been due to the hunger in kids’ hearts for true purpose. Children can understand the deep things of God and are capable of drawing near to Him! We are happy to be a link in that vocation.  

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