The Adventures of Carlos Caterpillar tells the story of Carlos, an ever-curious little caterpillar, who often finds himself in one predicament or another. Helped by his Uncle Pedro, a butterfly with a lifetime of experience behind him, Carlos learns many lessons that will help him through his own little journey of life.
Episode 3 - No Prize Surprise:
Ah, money! What can't it buy? Carlos has a gleam in his eye for a cool gadget just like Sluggy's: an airborne intergalactic Bugopolisaucer with hurl hover capacity and accessory parts! So why does his dad put up a fuss when he asks for the money? A blunder of the mouth boomerangs back to Carlos knocking him for a loop and bringing him to his senses as to the real treasures he possesses. This episode teaches children to appreciate their blessings regardless of how much or how little they have.
¡Vaya sorpresa!
¿Alguna vez quisiste un juguete que no te podían comprar?
Carlos descubre que no es necesario tener todo lo que se quiere, y que algunas veces de algo que no parece muy bueno se sacan lecciones y experiencias muy hermosas.
(Aunque las portadas están en ingles, cada DVD trae los dos idiomas habladas, Español e Ingles.)
DVD has both English and Spanish audio tracks and subtitles
DVD Region: All Regions - TV System: NTSC
Approximately 25 minutes