The Adventures of Carlos Caterpillar tells the story of Carlos, an ever-curious little caterpillar, who often finds himself in one predicament or another. Helped by his Uncle Pedro, a butterfly with a lifetime of experience behind him, Carlos learns many lessons that will help him through his own little journey of life.
Episode 9: Buggy Breakup
Things are going just peachy when all the bug students begin to work together on a school float to collect food for a charity event. However, everything starts to go awry when they lose sight of the goal and begin to compete against each other, thanks to Sluggy’s subtle pairing of each bug against the other. Meanwhile, he is secretly creating his own float, a tribute to his own greatness!. Children will learn the importance of teamwork and the rewards of making the effort to get along well with others.
Cada chico a su capricho.
En el colegio asignan a nuestros amigos la importante tarea de construir una carroza para el desfile de la ciudad.
Pero la cosa se complica porque cada uno piensa que sabe mejor que los demás cómo hay que hacerla.
¿Podrán Carlos y sus amigos aprender a trabajar en unidad y construir la carroza a tiempo?
(Aunque las portadas están en ingles, cada DVD trae los dos idiomas habladas, Español e Ingles.)
DVD has both English and Spanish audio tracks and subtitles
DVD Region: All Regions - TV System: NTSC
Approximately 25 minutes