Created to help children apply the lessons found in the parables of Jesus, each 10 minute episode includes a story situation that children today can relate to, a parable, and a thought-provoking way to apply it.
The Jesus Stories Bundle includes Volume 1 DVD and the 3 matching coloring books, based on the parables found in the DVD:
- Episode 1 - The Lost Sheep: How losing a pet can teach us about God’s amazing love.
- Episode 2 - The Unforgiving Servant: How playtime fun can teach us to be merciful.
- Episode 3 - The Good Samaritan: How working on a project together can teach us the value of each individual.
DVD has both English and Spanish audio tracks and subtitles
Geared to children ages 2 through 8
DVD Region: All Regions - TV System: NTSC
Three episodes, 10 minutes each
Coloring Book size is 8.5 x 11 inches.
Contains 16 high-quality coloring pages.