The Blessings of Confession
- “The Parable of the Tax Collector” – an entertaining, animated depiction of Jesus’ teaching about repentance.
- "How to make a good confession"
- “I’m Loved by a Loving Father” – a moving, musical reminder that in His perfect love, God only wants to help us.
- “Praise God, I’m Forgiven!”- a fast-paced, visualized song that celebrates the gift of God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Entertaining and instructive, “Forgiven!” is a joyous way to help children understand God’s love through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Watch the full episode online on FORMED
En esta alegre presentación, el Hermano Zeferino recuerda a chicos y grandes el magnífico don del perdón de Dios que se obtiene mediante el Sacramento de la Reconciliación.
(Aunque las portadas están en ingles, cada DVD trae los dos idiomas habladas, Español e Ingles.)
DVD has both English and Spanish audio tracks and subtitles.
Geared to children ages 3 through 8.
DVD Region: All Regions - TV System: NTSC.
Approximately 25 minutes.