The Adventures of Carlos Caterpillar tells the story of Carlos, an ever-curious little caterpillar, who often finds himself in one predicament or another. Helped by his Uncle Pedro, a butterfly with a lifetime of experience behind him, Carlos learns many lessons that will help him through his own little journey of life.
Episode 1: A new student in town spells competitive trouble for Carlos and Sluggy and catapults our hero into a tangled web of deception and lies. The resulting inflation of egos leaves Carlos in a very, very uncomfortable position -- about six stories up in the air! This episode teaches children the dangers of stretching the truth even a little, as it can lead to a slippery slope of more lies. Children will learn the importance of avoiding negative comparison with others and the blessings of simply being themselves.
Un cuento colosal.
¿Te has encontrado alguna vez en un aprieto, en una situación muy incómoda?
Mira lo que le pasa a Carlos que, tras una serie de peripecias termina encima de una terrorífica atracción de feria llamada El Coloso.
(Aunque las portadas están en ingles, cada DVD trae los dos idiomas habladas, Español e Ingles.)
DVD Region: All Regions - TV System: NTSC.
Approximately 25 minutes.