The Adventures of Carlos Caterpillar tells the story of Carlos, an ever-curious little caterpillar, who often finds himself in one predicament or another. Helped by his Uncle Pedro, a butterfly with a lifetime of experience behind him, Carlos learns many lessons that will help him through his own little journey of life.
Episode 2 - Topsy Turvy:
What right-minded caterpillar wouldn't want to squirm out of his chores only to do what he wanted to all day! In fact, this would make the perfect world!... Or would it? When all of the town's residents mysteriously slack off their responsibilities to pursue rap careers, professional leapfrogging and martial arts, Carlos alone is left to face a near disaster. This episode teaches children the good results of fulfilling responsibility and the consequences when we don't. They will also learn how to value their efforts and contributions.
Locura de altura.
¿En alguna ocasión quisiste salir a jugar pero primero tenías que hacer una tarea?
En este episodio Carlos aprende una valiosa lección cuando descubre que pasa algo raro en el pueblo de Mogán.
(Aunque las portadas están en ingles, cada DVD trae los dos idiomas habladas, Español e Ingles.)
DVD has both English and Spanish audio tracks and subtitles
DVD Region: All Regions - TV System: NTSC
Approximately 25 minutes